Podcast with Aneta Baraniak

30 Mar, 2020
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Aneta is a MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and MBCT (Mindfulness Based Compassion Living) Teacher certified by European Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches (IMA).

In addition to her passion for teaching mindfulness she completed the Positive Neuroplasticity Training (PNT) and Professional Course in Positive Neuroplasticity with Rick Hanson.

She is the founder of QMT Mindfulness Training in Dublin and she provides the Mindfulness Based Approaches courses, workshops, Mindfulness at Work, Introduction to Mindfulness and Drop - In sessions for the individuals and organizations.

Her formal schooling begun with the Master Degree from the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan in Poland, Faculty of Mathematics. She also completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Database Systems in Poznan University of Technology in Poland.
Aneta is a member of Mindfulness Teacher’s Network in Ireland.

She adheres to the Good Practice Guidelines set out by UK Network of Mindfulness Teachers, such as daily practice and regular attendance at retreats and conferences. Aneta continues to attend professional development courses in relevant aspects of mindfulness such as Mindfulness in the Work Place and Mindfulness for Leaders, organized by Oxford Mindfulness Centre (UK).

Listen to the podcast here

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