After taking part in last weeks 3rd Joint Gathering for EHeath, it quickly became apparent about all the hard work people are doing behind the scenes to try and meet the demands of our Healthcare problems. The number of employees working for the HSE and the NHS are no-where near enough to meet the demands of our ever growing waiting lists. That gap is only set to rise making the gap even larger to fill. Some amazing work behind the scenes is taking place to help contribute to reducing waiting lists for people. Independent employers and start up businesses are trying to find faster and smarter ways in which to diagnose patients which in turn would not only reduce man hours but cut down the waiting list. Also thousands of elderly people are left without care, so we need to find solutions to their needs. The Digital Health Society want to bring healthcare where it needs to be. The DHS mission statement is “To have 100 million digitally connected and healthier citizens by 2027. This is work in progress but the structure needs to consist of “Prevention and Wellbeing” v “Illness and Disease. About 3/4 of our population will be millennials in the workforce by 2025 so we need to ensure services, products and users are digital dextrous, confident in cloud services and more importantly adaptable to change.
As an individual, the best project you can work on is you. As a parents, we can all help make a difference to lifestyle approach should that be nutrition, fitness, health, guidance and much more. As an employer, we can help make employee’s have a better approach to their health and wellbeing both in work and at home. I have recently read a few articles about why the fitness and beauty industry are telling women and men how to they must look (smaller, change the way you look) just to line their own pockets. We all only get one body so we need to look after it. We need to make it as healthy as possible for as long as possible. According to Government statistics in Ireland, there are more people living in Ireland and we are living longer lives than ever before. These trends are set to continue into the coming decades. Small lifestyle changes can make a huge impact on your life span. We all know Obesity is a huge problem in many parts of the world. As children and adults, we tend to sit down more than we ever did, whether that be to do our day to day desk job, watch television, play video games, use of smart phones and so on.
Why not help turn this around and start making bite size changes on all aspects of your Health and Wellbeing. Together we can do this, let’s make the change today!
Get a picture of your current health status and habits by taking our short Health and Wellbeing Check!