Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download the app?

Empeal is available on the cloud. To download:

-- If you are an Android user please go to Google Play store

-- If you use Apple iPhone go to Apple App Store

What type of programs do you run on the app?

The app gives you access to programs such as:

-- Stress Management,

-- Preventing Burnout,

-- Meditation,

-- Nutrition,

-- Fitness,

-- Sleep

and many more

What health coaches are available on the app?

As a regular user, Empeal will give you access to fitness coaches, lifestyle coaches, nutritional therapists and many more.

Moreover: Empeal is a configurable system to suit any care-pathways. So, if you are member of a specific clinic or care group, you get access to specialist HCP (Health Care Provider) as well

What countries can Empeal be used in?

Empeal is available globally. Currently we have users in Ireland, the UK, the US, Malta and India.

However, we are expanding and onboarding users in the UAE over the next few months.

What can I keep track of on the app?

After connecting to your wearable, the app will gather data of all your activity parameters like step count, sleep pattern, Heart-Rate etc. These are also displayed as reports to you on the APP.

You can also input all of your meals to track your calorie intake and nutrients at a Macro and Micro level.

Is all of my data safe?

Empeal is a GDPR compliant system. You can check the details at HERE.

All employees have data-protection training courses and are updating them regularly.

How much will the app cost including all the programs?

We do custom pricing for all our clients based on their requirement and number of users.

Contact us at HERE or email

How do I make contact for further information?

You can email for any further queries.

Alternatively, you can click HERE and post a message. Someone from our team will be there to help you.

Can I set my own goals? / What goals can I set?

You can set your own goals to: Improve overall fitness, Tone Up, Reduce Fat, Gain Weight, Flexibility, Muscle Strength, Improve Mood, Reduce Stress, Improve Pulmonary.

These goals help is personalising your contents. You can also join individual programs to make it even more targeted.

Can I have one-on-one communication with health coaches?

Yes you can. Empeal is designed to help users with digital connectivity to Health-Care-Providers.

The app allows you to send private messages and set up Audio/Videos calls with health coaches.

How Healthy are You?

Get a picture of your current health status and habits by taking our short Health and Wellbeing Check!