Interview with Paula Lawlor

27 Apr, 2022
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Interview with Paula Lawlor – Workplace Wellbeing Day 2022

As National Workplace Wellbeing Day is this week, we were lucky enough to interview Paula Lawlor, CEO of Suicide or Survive, to talk about workplace wellbeing. We discussed the importance of looking after your mental health, not only for individuals themselves, but the benefits of employers focusing on employee wellbeing and creating a culture that acknowledges mental health. Paula gave some great advice about taking a proactive approach to minding your mental health and to take action now rather than wait until you’re struggling. It was great to be able to raise awareness for the work that Suicide or Survive does, along with allowing our viewers to learn more about the importance of looking after your own wellbeing.

Click HERE to see the whole interview

For more information on Suicide or Survive please visit, email, or call 01 272 2158.

Other supports available:

Samaritans : 116 123 :

Pieta House : 1800 247 247 :

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