Learning Exhibition in Spain
In October Sohini was invited by the Health Innovation Hub Ireland, Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre and Cluster Saúde de Galicia to attend a four-day learning exhibition along with other SME’s. This exhibition was filled with interesting visits, events, and great conversations that resulted in knowledge sharing, possible collaborations, and great new connections.
The LEX mission started on Tuesday, October 25th, with EXPORPYMES which was organized in collaboration with the Cámara Comercio A Coruña . Afterward, Sohini was introduced to the wonderful work of CITIC, and the Universidade da Coruña. The day was then ended with a visit to Fundacion Profesor Novoa Santos.
On Wednesday, October 26, Alberto Fuentes, Jorge Prado, and Benigno Rosón from Xunta de Galicia met with Sohini to talk about the Galician healthcare system, the electronic healthcare record, and Galicia’s advanced pharmacy system. Afterward, Sohini visited Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica.
Thursday Sohini had the chance to participated in #RIES22, where there were multiple keynote presentations, agora discussions, and showrooms to learn more about Healthcare Innovation and New Care Models from national and international perspectives.
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