It is now accepted fact that we spend hours and hours on technology each day. Unplugging by itself probably wont work wonders for your life. However, if you spend some of that digital free time by focusing on fun activities, downtime or working on relationships and better communication, you can really make a difference to your life.
Why not try to live in the moment. By working on that “Digital Diet” it can be beneficial to your health. Many search studies suggest a direct connection between increased use and damage to mental and physical health. People are finding it harder to disconnect from being overworked and over connected to reconnect to nature and each other. Users feel digital technology use reduces their satisfaction in daily experiences and in relationships with others. People are becoming more dependant on digital media however users are overwhelmed by digital technology often resulting in stress. Digital overuse is bad for your health, there has been many studies suggesting that over involvement with devices can create or make existing problems worse. These include:-
If we spend too much time staring at the screen, the life that is happening in front of us may just pass us by. Isn’t that a sad way to look at things?
We are all guilty at times, we need to remind ourselves that technology has a power off button, we need to use it more often. Let’s step off that hamster wheel and enjoy the benefits of disconnection. Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social and Environmental Health will all benefit from it.
At Wind of Change, we love analytics and we try to empower our clients. First step of which is helping our clients with data to become conscious of the existing situation. If you have an Apple phone, we suggest, for the next week why not use the Screen Time feature to get insights about how you are using your device? For Android users Digital Wellbeing is a feature which you will be able to access soon as it was under beta testing in August 2018.
Get a picture of your current health status and habits by taking our short Health and Wellbeing Check!