Award Winning Company

Measure it to Manage it

Empeal is an AI Driven Multisided Digital Health SaaS Solution for prevention and management of chronic health conditions.

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How can Empeal help?

Improving Health Outcomes

Empeal keeps patients or individuals at the center with multidisciplinary, multi-therapeutic support improving their quality of life.

24/7 Health Coach

Empeal is the 24/7 health coach for individuals helping them with adherence to care protocols for chronic disease prevention and management.

Intelligent assistant

Empeal acts as an " Intelligent assistant " to healthcare professionals and helps them to scale their services with data driven decision support.

Health & Wellbeing data insights

Empeal gathers health, lifestyle and behavioral data from a multitude of sources, which helps various stakeholders in healthcare ecosystem like health services, insurance and life science companies. Empeal's AI engine can also help other Digital health platforms to scale personalization.

A Multi-Award-Winning Company

Tell us about you...

Empeal's data driven insights with full data privacy help various stakeholders in the health ecosystem.

What best describes you?

We Know Your Story...

Integrated clinical, life style and behaviourial data from Empeal helps various stakeholders to support more customers, reduce their risks & costs while improving population health.

See how Empeal worked for Jane



Jane is a customer service team leader. She feels tired all the time, has hyperthyroid issues, is allergic to gluten and suffers shoulder pain due to a sedentary job and bad posture. Her wellbeing goals are to get healthier and reduce stress, but she doesn’t know where to start.

With Empeal, Jane had access to a cutting edge interactive assessment and trend analysis. This soon highlighted the root causes of her health complaints, which were tackled through custom gluten-free meal suggestions and exercise programmes including shoulder rehab, and guidance and monitoring features for improved sleep. Jane quickly goes from a tired employee to a healthy and happy one.


people in the world…

…have chronic illness or at high risk of getting it, resulting in billions lost globally. Lifestyle management can help in reducing this burden, but it is difficult to adhere to and currently health care professionals do not have any view of individuals’ lifestyle changes, so they cannot help either.

Our Clients

T U Dublin
Network Ireland
Irish Distillers


What current users say about Empeal

Catch up with Empeal!


Keep up to date...


Business Post - Empeal Keeping People Out of Hospitals


May-2023 Newsletter


World Hepatitis Day -2023


World Heart Day - Fireside chat with Brendan Crossey


How Healthy are You?

Get a picture of your current health status and habits by taking our short Health and Wellbeing Check!